Monday, February 15, 2010

I've Got Plenty to be Thankful For

I realize this was several months ago, but I wanted to post some pictures from Thanksgiving. It was great to celebrate in our new home. We truly do have a lot to be thankful for; in 2009 we had a baby, built a house, and are still married! What more could we ask for?
"We're going to eat that?"
The secret to the perfect bird: lots of butter and brown sugar!

On the menu: (clockwise from ten o clock): turkey and cranberries, candied yams (my mom's recipe), old-fashioned turkey dressing (my great-grandmother's recipe), mashed potatoes with sweet turkey gravy, green beans with caramelized onions, and homemade rolls. We had sparkling cider to drink and pumpkin and cherry pie for dessert.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pouring the sidewalk

Shorty after we moved in, we poured our front sidewalk. Here is my husband and a good friend of his getting ready for the pour.
My cute son and daughter waiting for the truck to come.

Here comes the cement down the chute. The kids thought this was awesome.

This was my first time watching a sidewalk be poured. I didn't realize how much time and work went into it. It was fun for me and the kids to watch the process, and my hubby enjoyed learning how to make a sidewalk!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Groundhog Day

Well, it's Groundhog Day, and as far and I'm concerned, spring can't come soon enough! I'm anxious to see my tulips that I planted in November.

First, I had to get rid of A LOT of rocks!
My little boy helped me break up the ground.

And here are the bulbs just before being covered up! Hopefully I'll have some pretty pictures to post in a few months!